Contact Us

If you or your child is suffering from back deformity, back pain, ligament laxity-joint hypermobility, flat feet, or other issues that may indicate Scoliosis—or if you’ve already received such a diagnosis—we can help. We have the ability to diagnose and treat both juvenile and adult cases of Scoliosis and can provide solutions to the underlying causes of this debilitating ailment.  Vertebral Scoliosis is not a life sentence and surgery is rarely necessary. Visit BOULDER SCOLIOSIS for OTHER options!

Boulder Scoliosis

1790 30th Street, Suite 230
Boulder, Colorado 80301
United States
Phone: (303) 444-5131


Your location:


Boulder Scoliosis | Gary B. Clark, MD, MPA | 1790 30th Street, Suite 230, Boulder, CO | (303) 444-5131